

I went to North Carolina over the weekend for a wedding. It was beautiful and prefect in every aspect! The best part-just about everyone was up and dancing the whole time! Even the few wallflowers kept time with a tapping toe, knee, shoulder or head bob.

Earlier that day, a group of us ventured downtown to check out the local vibe. While some tested out the local bartender’s Bloody Mary’s, I bought his book instead, Hints 4 Happiness.

I asked him what his three words were.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well, I have three words of how I want to live my best self, my best life. I even have them set as an alarm in my phone which goes off a few times a day to remind me, keep me on track. What do you think your three words are?” I asked him again.

It didn’t take him long.

“Would you like me to sign your book?” he asked.

“Absolutely!” I responded.

The girls finished up their Bloody’s and off we went. On the car ride back, I opened the book and read his message to me.

One of my favorite sayings is “Everything you’ve ever wanted is right outside your comfort zone.”  Usually all that’s required to cross into the “Golden Zone of Possibility” is a tiny step, a baby step, however that gap between 'Here and There’ sometimes seems impossibly cavernous! Hmmm… how to cross over? Do I focus on the goal, the horizon or something else?

While reading the bartender’s book on the plane home, he talked about that gap and what has helped him to cross it. It wasn’t looking at the horizon and dreaming of what he wanted that pushed him over the edge, it was turning around and facing what he didn’t want. That proved to be a far stronger catalyst for him - what he no longer wanted in his life.

We both agree that the only way to move forward is to let go. It’s not about letting go of what makes you feel safe but what you no longer need or want. And our needs and wants do change as we age and grow.

To expand we must contract. To expand we must release. To expand greater we need to release deeper.

The theme for November is Expanding.

This week, let’s focus on what you no longer want in your life and business.

Question(s) of the Week:

  • When you started your business how did you envision it to be in three years? Be specific - income, employees, clients, location, etc.

  • What do you no longer need or want in that vision of your business?

  • What do you no longer want that is currently in your business? A demanding client, worry over the financials, a long commute, disorganized files?

  • What do you no longer need in your personal day-to-day life? A big car, an office space, coffee, a passive-aggressive friend?

  • What’s one thing you can let go of today? A physical thing, a task, a judgement about yourself (I’m not smart enough), a judgement about someone else (They won’t like me if I…)

Release to Expand. Just like breathing, the deeper you exhale, the more space you have to inhale and expand.

We are all works in progress in both life and business. The most successful and longest lasting companies in the world practice releasing and expanding regularly to stay relevant, clear, and growing.

What can you release to become clearer about what you want?

“Janet, I appreciate your question or statement involving 3 words. I’m working on my succinctness. My 3 words: Dance With (the) Universe!” - Mojaf (the bartender).


“To hold on is to suffer. To let go is to be free.”

- Laminita Saviuc


If you’d like to join our Brilliance Builders Alliance (BBA) just email me - janet@hutchensmedia.com

We meet on Zoom - Thursday Evenings from 6-7:30pm EST to discuss the Questions of the Week (and lots of other things too!)

Join Us!


The Three Brains


What do you want? Really want?